Friday, June 1, 2012

Camp NaNo!

Oh, wow, where's the time gone? Anyway, it's June 1st - and that means the start of Camp NaNo!

...What is Camp NaNo?The summer parallel of November's NaNoWriMo event!

...What is NaNoWriMo? Only the best thing ever!

NaNoWriMo - short for National Novel Writing Month - is the ultimate novelist's challenge; write a 50,000 word novel (or 50,000 words of a novel) in the mere thirty days of November. That amounts to writing about 1,666 words per day. To win NaNoWriMo, authors must set aside their hesitations, doubts, internal editors, and their fear; in return, 50,000 words that may not have existed before. (more here!)

The event isn't meant to emphasize quantity over quality (NaNo has spawned editing events such as NaNoEdMo purely for editing the beasts produced in November); rather, the challenge's aim is to get people who want to write to actually write. There are so many impediments to actually sitting down and starting, and/or keeping it up. NaNoWriMo is an excellent kickstart to get words on paper, and a lot of them.

Camp NaNo is the summertime cousin of NaNoWriMo - in either June, August, or both(!), write a 50,000 words novel in a month! It's excellent writing practice, and a chance to try something perhaps you haven't before.

To those embarking on Camp NaNo, good luck to you! May your month be exciting and fulfilling!

Websites: - Where it all began! - Sign up for Camp NaNo! - The blog of NaNo's event organizer, the Office of Letters and Light, full of instructional, motivating, and sometimes just plain funny posts to help you on your noveling journey!