Wednesday, November 14, 2012

NaNoLog: Optimism From 10,000 Words Behind

12,721 words thanks to (I assume) NaNo's word counter counting my dashed words as two instead of one. I knew I loved hyphens for a reason. 

...Considering Day 14's target wordcount is 23,338, I'm not doing so hot this year. 

This is the first year I've had so much trouble fitting NaNo into my schedule. Usually I'm pretty good about finding/making time to write...this year, though. Between school work and my mysteriously overtaken weekends (last week was Youmacon and my brother's birthday, this past weekend staying with friends), I've been doing a lot - but not a lot of it writing. 

Fortunately, I accidentally left for school an hour early (I'm not entirely sure how my brain rigged that one, either) so I wound up having two hours to just NaNo my heart out before class. Only wrote about 1,900 words - not enough to make any serious headway. 

But wow did it make me feel a thousand times less stressed. That really surprised me - making so little progress in the grand scheme of things seems like it should only have agitated me more, not calmed me down. 

I guess that's one of the things about NaNo - no matter how little you do, just doing the writing is sometimes enough. And I probably wouldn't have done that chunk of writing at all had it not been for this 50,000 word goal hanging over my head. And on my desktop. And over all my to-do lists. 

So, thanks, NaNo - for both the stress and relief I needed today.