Friday, October 18, 2013

Another Year, Anoth...uh, the Same Novel, Actually.

Welp, officially signed up for NaNo this year. I’m nervous because this November is looking to be pretty busy - work, need to be making progress on documentation for design seminar and on my term project for web tech, and I’m going to try to keep working on my current book, which I’ve been writing a chapter a week for for the past two months. Don’t want to lose the continuity there, but that's a lot of extra writing to do.
In a move that will possibly(?) make thing a little easier, I’m cheating on this year’s NaNo. Instead of starting a new project (at this point, I swear I’m going to start forgetting the names of characters from all the unfinished novels I have lying around), I’m continuing Third Life from last year. I’ve made a couple chapters’ progress since last year, but not nearly close enough to finish the darn thing. Whether this hinders me or saves me from novel-start jarring, we shall see. 
No pain, no gain, as they say. And some writing’s better than no writing, I say. 
Looking to join in on NaNo? Wondering what the hell it is? Does writing a 50,000 word novel in a month sound like fun to you? Get the details here: